Thursday, October 10, 2013

Yoga To Reduce Back Pain

Bob Crowther experienced chronic back pain and found relief through his yoga practice - moving well in his 60's. 

He recommends reading Dr. Loren Fishman's book of modified yoga postures to reduce back pain.

Bob In Plow Pose
 Yoga Provided Relief From Chronic Back Pain

Complaints of acute and chronic back pain have become a common occurrence experienced by both genders and by all age groups, from teens to seniors.

The Mayo Clinic and other institutions cite back symptoms that include muscle aches, shooting/stabbing pain, sciatica (pain that extends down a leg) as well as having limited back mobility, flexibility or an inability to stand upright.

Imaging technologies (X-Rays; MRI and CT scans) facilitate the identification of conditions associated with back pain. 

Mild to serious structural problems along the entire length of the spinal column (involving vertebrae and the intervertebral discs) can contribute to pain in the back and elsewhere. 

Deviations from the normal curves of the spine (kyphosis and lordosis) and a lateral curvature of the vertebrae (scoliosis) may contribute to pain under certain conditions as well.

Medications, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, massage and surgery are among the therapies employed to help reduce pain levels.

Yoga To Deal With Back Pain

An alternative approach using hatha yoga to treat individuals with back pain symptoms has been promoted by Loren Fishman, MD, an investigator trained in the Iyengar method and one of his former students.

The book resulting from a collaboration of Dr. Fishman and Carol Ardman, Yoga for Back Pain (2012), provides an informed presentation and discussion of options available to individuals experiencing various back issues.

Potential relief through selected  yoga asanas
The authors offer patients selected yoga asanas, often in modified form, as a gentle and safe way to help reduce or relieve back pain associated with the following and other conditions:
  • of a muscular-skeletal nature including spasms
  • connective tissue discs between vertebrae that have protruded, herniated or prolapsed 
  • several types of arthritis including osteoarthritis
  • spinal stenosis (narrowing of the space where nerves are located) 
  • sacroiliac joint  (at the spine-hip junction)
  • piriformis syndrome (a muscle affecting the sciatic nerve) 
Bob Crowther

Bob can share with you his history of chronic back pain.

Bob knows his safe yoga practice over years has reduced, and at times eliminated, various back issues without medical interventions or prescribed medications. 

Bob's experiences complement and support using yoga as a gentle tool for back pain.                 

The asanas cited by Dr. Fishman and his colleague for different types of back pain are among those commonly used within our yoga community to maintain healthy backs.

These postures also inform my discussions with clients to address their back concerns.

#Yoga And Back Pain #Yoga and Dr. Loren Fishman #Yoga With Bob Crowther 

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