Thursday, December 25, 2014

Yoga, Use Of Props At Any Age

I wanted to share some inspiring words accompanied by an instructive image as a New Year approaches  

The message, based on experience, is that a gentle, safe form of yoga can be done with the use of props at any, all ages by males and females 

I received Coralie Nideur's written comments on September 9, 2014 - at the time she was a 73 yr. old yoga student i had the pleasure of instructing

Coralie's words are reproduced below:

"You are never to old to begin an exercise program. I decided to try yoga with Bob a year ago.

My goal was to maintain flexibility and balance as I love to garden and want to remain active.

We begin each session with an evaluation of how i am feeling  and if i have any pain ( I have Osteoarthritis). Bob then modifies the yoga exercises depending on what the issues of the day are. 

He might use a chair, couch, blocks, rolled blanket or strap. I get the benefit of a full stretch without the fear of any injury.
Props Bob Uses With Clients
May Incude
Chair, Blocks, Strap, Elastic Bands
 Blanket, Roller, Tennis Ball
Dumbbells, Mat, Knee Pads
It has been a wonderful productive year and i feel fit and flexible. I would recommend Bob to all my friends and all seniors." 

As 2015 approaches, i continue to meet with Coralie and her friend Barbara - focusing on their interests, we continue to have fun while enhancing our mobility, maintaining our health

Coralie and Barbara - both in their 70's - have become stronger, enjoy greater balance, are more flexible and know ways to calm their minds, focus on their breathing

Contact Bob

Customized Yoga Instruction, Coaching

Read Bob's Website Pages: listed on the right side 

#YogawithBobCrowther #YogaUsingProps #YogaAtAllAges #YogaForMales #YogaForFemales

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Yoga As A Lifestyle Choice

Bob Crowther has enjoyed 1000 yoga classes as he starts his 50th month of yoga activities. 

My evening yoga class today was the 1000th session i have attended since my first class - less than two days before my 50th month begins.

As i approach 64, i continue to experience the many physical, mental health benefits from my hatha yoga practice. 

My experiences can be yours as well. 

I encourage males and females of all ages to take the first steps to become more mobile doing a gentle, non-impact and safe form of yoga.

Health, pain symptoms including various medical conditions (heart attack, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, others) can be addressed through yoga.

Enhance your strength, balance, flexibility, breathing and calm your mind.

Bob Crowther

Find out how i can help you achieve your short and long term goals through customized instruction, coaching. 

Good Balance, Flexibility  
#BobCrowther  #YogaLifestyle  #YogaForMales  #YogaForFemales #YogaWithBobCrowther

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