Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Yoga Evidence Of A Healthy, Mobile Senior

Bob Crowther (65) today begins his seventh year of hatha yoga enjoying relatively good whole body mobility.

My daily yoga activities during this time have gradually contributed to improved physical movements without pain or discomfort.

I am pleased to share four asanas documenting progress twisting my spine, torso from various positions.

> Bound, Revolved Body Motions
This Remains Among My Favorite, More Challenging Asanas


Strength, Balance, Joint & Muscle Flexibility, Easy Breathing

 Note Twisting Of Raised Torso, More Limited Head Rotation

Movement Of Right Shoulder Backwards, Alignment with Legs

> Sitting Side Twist
Recent Progress With Spinal Mobility


Deep Twisting of Torso, More Limited Cervical Rotation

Need To Maintain More Upright Posture 


Alignment Of Shoulders, Back With Extended Leg, Upright Foot
Arms Straight, Both Palms Flat 

Using Right Arm, Knee Contact To Enhance Rotation
> Revolved Triangle
Another Of My Favorite Movements


Deep Spinal Twist,  Locked Legs, Aligment Of Arms

Relatively Flat Back
Whole Body Mobility With Controlled Balance, Breathing
> Navasana Variation
Modified Boat Pose
Among My First Attempts In This Posture

A Still Limited Rotation Of My Torso, Head To The Right

 Challenge Twisting Torso, Raising Legs, Seeking Balance

 Goal To Obtain An Ability To Align Extended Arm, Upright Legs

All my joints, muscles and various connective tissues have responded to diverse whole body yoga movements in a positive manner.

Significantly, current structural issues with my spine have not prevented me from moving better. 

Maintaining, improving on and acquiring new mobility abilities during the next twelve months will keep me motivated while having fun.

Future interactions, experiences with Ray Hoyt in The Yoga Loft will continue to offer unique opportunities to enhance my strength, balance, flexibility, breathing and mindfullness.

#BobCrowther #Yoga #RayHoyt #TheYogaLoft

Friday, August 19, 2016

Yoga, Breathing Improved With Leaner Body

Bob Crowther (65) shares four asanas demonstrating enhanced mobility, facilitated breathing with gradual weight loss.

I am pleased to share whole body movements now possible on this first day of my 70th month of hatha yoga activities.

These postures were taken in The Yoga Loft during morning one-on-one partner sessions over several months with Patty Tremblay as I was reducing my weight to 126 pounds. 

> Marichyasana Variation
Marichyasana II

 [see Iyengar 'Light On Yoga']


Whole Body Mobility

Multiple Joints, Connective Tissue, Muscles
Achieving Deep Range of Motions

Ankles, Knees, Hips, Spine, Shoulders,Neck, Elbows, Wrists
Facilitated Breathing With Less Abdominal Weight

> Modifying One Leg Forward Extension 
Half Lotus, Dual Shoulder Motions


Good Forward Torso Mobility   
 Hips, Groin, Back, Spinal Muscles, Connective Tissues 

 Alignment Of Head Beyond Knee Of Straight Leg

Extended Arm, Palm To Foot, Fingers Towards Floor

Good Knee, Shoulder Joints Flexibility

Enhanced Range of Motions 
 Legs, Hips, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Other Muscles

> Moving Towards Karnapidasana

  Halasana (Plow Pose) Variation
[Knees To Ears To Floor]


Both Cervical, Lumbar Flexibility
Facilitated Breathing 

 Enhanced Spinal Muscle Lengthening

Deep Joint Mobility
Ankles, Hips, Shoulders, Neck, Arms

Asana Approached GentlySlowly
Emphasis On Listening To Body
 [Avoiding Strain, Injury To Spine, Neck] 
> Moving Beyond Basic Malasana
Making Progress


 Simultaneous Head, Foot Floor Contact


Enhanced Forward Mobility

Lengthening Lower, Mid Back Muscles

Each of these movements became more accessible as pounds were shed gradually, most obvious from my abdominal, other torso regions.

My overall spinal mobility during the past several months has improved, expanded as I became lighter.

A future goal is to reach, maintain my adolescent high school weight (at Island Trees, NY) when running was once a passion.

My daily yoga movements contributing to breathing better with a leaner, more fit body as a senior remains my current focus, passion. 

Today I remember and celebrate J. R. Whittaker on his birthday.

I acknowledge his role that has supported my yoga activities - now approaching the end of six years.

#BobCrowther #Yoga #IslandTrees #JRWhittaker

Monday, March 28, 2016

Yoga Remains A Lifestyle Focus At 65

Bob Crowther, 65 today, applauds his talented yoga teachers, their many contributions to his overall positive health status.

Inspired, Gifted Yoga Instructors

Ray Hoyt

Patty Tremblay

Jen Gendron

My overall enhanced spinal, back mobility is a result of sharing many enjoyable yoga experiences with them these past 65 months.

I am pleased to share five asanas done recently within Ray's studio, The Yoga Loft, during morning one-on-one partner sessions with Patty.

These non-impact hatha yoga movements reflect the value of frequent, often humbling, practice and persistence confronting challenging physical and perceived mental obstacles.

Extended Supta Viranasa

Whole Body Mobility

From Feet To Fingertips

No Discomfort, Controlled Breathing

A Deep, Controlled Shoulder Stretch

Moving From A Prone to Side Position

Deep Shoulder, Chest, Back, Spinal Mobility

Enhanced Standing Shoulder Stretch


Deep Total Body Range of Motion
Stretching, Relaxing Muscles
[Feet, Legs, Spine, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Hands]


Double Pigeon With Shoulder Stretch

Enhanced Hip, Gluteal, Leg Muscle Flexibility
Aligned Knee, Ankle Placment
Deep Forward Spinal, Shoulder, Head Mobility

No Discomfort Of Joints, Muscles

Modified Deep Lunge, Spinal Twist

Strength, Balance, Flexibility, Controlled Breathing

Fingertips Barely Touch Floor, Lifting Torso
  Twisting Torso, Neck While Raising & Aligning Arms
Significant Pressure On Knee Joint
 65th Months Of Yoga Activities As I Celebrate #65 

I am looking forward to continuing experiencing 'youthful' movements and feeling well as a consequence of daily yoga activities both at home, with my instructors.

Many thanks to Ray, Patty and Jen for their significant, valued contributions to my physical, mental health, mindfullness.

#BobCrowther #65 #Mobility #Lifestyle #RayHoyt #TheYogaLoft #Yoga 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yoga Asanas, Prop Contribute To Spinal Mobility

Bob Crowther reflects further on back bending challenges he has confronted over six plus years of yoga activities as his Medicare coverage begins.

My first exposure to open hatha yoga sessions were limited to Tuesday and Thursday evenings at a local gym taught by Ray Hoyt.

Our non-impact whole body movements during Ray's classes provided a unique opportunity to address:
  •  spinal mobility limitations 
  •  chronic lower back muscle pain
  •  limited joint, muscle range of motion including hips, back and legs
  •  restricted, labored breathing moving neck backwards 
During my first years of yoga activities, i began to overcome spinal (cervical and lumbar vertebrae, disc issues), muscle range of motion and labored breathing associated with standing back bends.

I was further humbled with asanas requiring bending the spine backwards from kneeling (camel) and prone (locust) positions.

An ability to engage in versions of camel pose has been evolving since my first yoga classes during October and November, 2010.

My progress has been slow yet rewarding - on some days i can now assume components of this posture in a relatively good form with hands on one, both feet or in various hands-free positions .

Bob In Camel Pose [Novice Status]
Morning Partner Session

 The Yoga Loft

Emphasis On Forward Hips, Straight Upper Legs, Flat Insteps
Making Progress Curving Lower, Upper Spine
Enjoying Controlled, Calm Breathing

Facilitating my back bending and breathing were access to various props located in The Yoga Loft - Ray Hoyt's yoga studio.

I have been privileged to do yoga at this location since early February, 2011.

Along with two wall ladders and an area of wall ropes, more recently our yoga community have used the whale back bench to enhance spinal mobility, range of motion of many associated muscles, connective tissues.

Yoga Prop In Studio
Safe, Gentle Bench To Curve Back

Allows For Gradual Spinal Mobility

The whale has complemented my use of yoga blocks along with wall use, chairs and various partner assisted movements i have written about and posted recently.

One significant consequence of doing a lot of yoga for many years has been achieving a greater range of motion doing variations of the locust asana.

Movements once not possible are now being realized as my whole body flexibility has improved.

Bob In Locust Variation
Novice Slowly Making Progress

Curving Spine, Elevating Leg
Foot Aligned with Leg Above Knee
Easy Breathing With Chin On Mat
Quality public and private yoga sessions, daily home practice and timely massage sessions from Ray have all contributed to my enhanced mobility, decreased pain and an overall healthier lifestyle as I approach 65.

#BobCrowther #Back #Mobility #RayHoyt #Spine #TheYogaLoft #Yoga

Monday, February 1, 2016

Yoga Enhancing My Back Mobility, Breathing

Bob Crowther reflects on how yoga activities, use of props and partner assists have increased his back strength, range of motion while experiencing less pain and improved breathing.

My limited back mobility and recurring lower back pain led me to seek advice, possible relief from Ray Hoyt during October, 2010.

One suggestion made by Ray (my yoga instructor, body work therapist) to open up my spine, associated muscles and connective tissues included a basic movement: with my back to a wall, raising each arm separately and both arms together above my head.

Over time, long restricted neck and lower back muscle movements led to gentle cervical and lumbar flexibility not possible for many years.

I was able (a) to extend my head backwards and to experience calm, controlled breathing without difficulty and (b) to increase the curve of my lower spine backwards while standing further away from the wall.

Gentle Standing Back Bend
Full Spinal Movement 

 No Pain, Discomfort Experienced
Further enhancement of my back mobility has been achieved during our open hatha yoga classes via the use of props and assistance of colleagues.

We have used two chairs, a blanket (and at times, yoga blocks as foot supports) to facilitate a deeper back bending posture.

I am currently able to have both feet flat with the top of my head contacting the floor (holding my head with cupped hands, upper arms flat with both elbows parallel as well) with no discomfort or pain even with an assisted lifting of my torso in this position.

Assisted Partner Pose
Spinal, Back Muscle Flexibility
Enhanced, Facilitated Breathing
Deep Back Bending
'Upper Facing Bow'
Standing gentle back bends with both hands on my lower back initially were a challenge when i first began my yoga activities.

Over time, my hand placement to the gluts, hamstrings along with various movements in hands-free positions gradually improved my range of full spinal motion backwards.

One asana begun in a supine position, upwards facing bow, demonstrated during our sessions was barely possible when i first began my yoga activities: i was able to raise my torso only a few inches above my yoga mat. 

Humbling is an apt term to describe what was experienced at that time.

Frequent yoga practice including my one-on-one morning partner sessions with Patty Tremblay since May, 2013, has resulted in greater spinal mobility doing this asana.

My upper facing bow posture has been enhanced further by having a partner's back elevate my back: aside from lengthening my spine, stretching various abdominal, arm, shoulder, back and leg muscles, my breathing (inhaling, exhaling) became less restricted, labored in this position.

 Approaching 65
Morning Partner Session
 The Yoga Loft
One Version

 Upper Facing Bow 
Making Significant Progress
Moving my arms and feet towards my head and forming a deeper arch with flat palms and feet is a long term goal i continue to pursue.

I continue to enjoy my progress towards moving my spine with greater facility, breathing easier without pain.

Yoga remains a humbling yet valued and positive experience for me.

#BobCrowther #Yoga #Backbending #Pain #Breathing #RayHoyt #TheYogaLoft

Friday, January 1, 2016

Yoga Enhancing My Quality Of Life

Bob Crowther celebrates the first day of 2016 sharing recent yoga images. 

I have continued to enjoy enhanced whole body movements as i approach 65.

Recently i participated in my 1, 300th yoga session (class, one-on-one meetings).

Strength, balance and flexibility along with controlled, easy breathing not possible when i began my yoga practice during 2010 are now being realized.

Among my many challenges were:

  • restricted spinal mobility backwards, breathing issues
  • weak wrist, forearm and upper body strength 
  • limited hip, knee and ankle joint flexibility

 Progress dealing with each of these issues are demonstrated below.

Total Body Mobility

 Bending Back At Wall


Full Body
Muscle, Connective Tissue Flexibility
Controlled Breathing 

 Upper and Lower Body
Strength, Flexibility
Elevated, Full Lotus

Wrist, Arm, Shoulder Strength
Deeper Knee, Ankle Joint Mobility

Whole Body Inversion
Balance and Strength
Feathered Peacock

Seeking Stability While Inverted
Dealing With Fear Of Falling

I will be sharing additional examples of my yoga experiences in future postings.

#BobCrowther #Yoga

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