Thursday, November 23, 2017

Yoga Mobility Progress A Reason To Be Thankful

Bob Crowther (66) is grateful for the current good health and mobility enjoyed this Thanksgiving.

I focus on recently acquired abilities to move in several variations of full lotus and provide a nutrition update since my 8th Anniversary post.

 Enjoying New Whole Body Movements 

My efforts over several years to move from sitting in full lotus (Padmasana) towards a prone position were recently documented in The Yoga Loft during a morning one-on-one partner session with Patty Tremblay on November  7, 2017.

Full Lotus On Forearms*


Enhanced Joint Mobility
Spinal Vertebrae, Hips, Knees & Ankles

Lengthening of Diverse Muscles
[Feet, Legs, Pelvic Girdle, Back, Abdomen]
Connective Tissues 

*Currently Limited Raising Torso Higher

Two asanas selected by Ray Hoyt in group yoga classes initially led to my enhanced knee joint range of motions:
  • Half Lotus Pose: moving each foot to a thigh in sitting, supine and standing asanas
  • Double Pigeon Pose: overlapping knees and ankles in alignment and leaning forward with head contacting the floor
Gradually, over three to four years, my flexibility improved and full lotus became more accessible.

By 2015 I had the ability to sit comfortably in full lotus: using my hands to carefully position each foot to the upper opposite thigh. 

Despite frequent practice, I often experienced more resistance to placing my left foot on my right thigh than with the opposite side.

A January 1, 2016 blog included one Padmasana variation: elevating my body with hands to sides of crossed legs (in Scale Pose: Tolasana).

During the next eight months, I was able to elevate my body in a more challenging Padmasana movement - placing both hands between my upper and lower legs.

August 12, 2016

[Cock Pose]

Wrist, Arm And Abdominal Strength
Balance, Controlled Breathing 

B. K. S. Iyengar Book: Light on Yoga
Note Other Full Lotus Variations
Preparation For Padmasana Forward Mobility

Frequent practice of three asanas significantly facilitated my whole body joint and muscle mobility required to transition to a prone position from sitting in full lotus:
  • Seated right and left Leg Cradles: hands and arms were used to raise and position each lower bent leg forming a right angle towards my chest, parallel to the floor 
  • Entering a modified Frog Pose: positioning my knees wide - lower legs flat, at an angle - and leaning my torso forward, head raised upwards with forearms elevated on a yoga block 
  • Getting into a Pigeon Pose variation: I lowered by chest on top of my forward leg bent at a right angle and had my extended rear leg quads on the floor
Entering Full Lotus On Forearms

From Padmasana, both hands initially were positioned to shift my body weight- moving from a sitting position on my gluts to both knees while  slowly moving each hand forward.

I was able to gradually lower and support my upper body on both forearms and position my crossed legs (feet on opposite upper thighs) and abdomen in contact with the floor as shown above. 

Lowering my chest and chin to the floor with each arm extended forward was accomplished without any discomfort and with controlled breathing.

Transitioning To Full Lotus In Cobra 

From this prone posture I was able to move both hands backwards towards my torso, raising and supporting my body on both knees and hands.

In this modified cobra position - with elbows bent, head lifted and pressing abdominals forwards and downwards - I successfully created a distinct curve to my lower spine.

Given my history of restricted spinal, back muscle mobility, this was progress!

Full Lotus Cobra*


Whole Body Mobility
Improved Spinal, Pelvic Girdle Flexibility

*Currently Limited In Raising Torso Higher   

As experienced with my basic full lotus asana, transitioning from a sitting towards a prone position including forearm and cobra postures were achieved more easily on one side than the other.

The ability to move into full lotus and several Padmasana variations I have shared in this and earlier blog posts has been exciting and continues to be motivating.

Being capable of curving my spine more deeply and raising my torso higher remains a long term objective. 

Despite these limitations, my current whole body mobility challenges many conventional perceptions, notions of what is "normal" for males at my age.

It is appropriate and a pleasure on this Thanksgiving to acknowledge and to say thanks to Ray Hoyt, Patty Tremblay*, Jen Gendron along with others from our yoga community for their many past, current contributions to this mobility progress I now enjoy and value.

*Patty first introduced me to the Padmasana variations while teaching at The Yoga Loft.
Nutrition Update

Slices of red pepper given to me by Pete in Grafton and dry roasted edamame from Arcade Snacks (Auburn, MA) were among the new foods I added to my meals this month.

One November Morning Meal

Red Pepper, Brocoli, Carrot
Pineapple, Grapes, Medjool Date
13 Bean Mix, Farro, Lentils, Quinoa, Rice Mix
Chia, Flax & Sunflower Seeds
Pignolia Nuts,Edamane 

Cherry Almond Granola
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I also began to add sweet potato to my nutrition choices in an unconventional manner - a single sweet potato contributed to multiple meals depending on its size.

A Small Afternoon Meal

Sweet Potato Slices
Mixed Greens

[Chard, Chicory, Collard, Kale, Spinach]
Chia, Flax, Sunflower Seeds
Pignolia Nuts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Organic eggs from PETE And GERRYS New Hampshire farm, free of antibiotic treatments, provided a new nutrient source of high quality proteins and fats along with many vitamins including Vitamin B12.

Several boiled eggs were enjoyed as one of many components to some prepared meals.
An Acknowledgment

A special thanks this Thanksgiving is directed towards Deb Horan, owner of the independent bookstore, Booklovers Gourmet, in Webster, MA.

Deb recently gave me some home grown cherry tomatoes and chives - both enhanced many of my modest meals.

The Booklovers Gourmet has diverse new and used book selections for all ages and offers quality artistic cards and an assortment of handmade gifts (including jewelry, cups, signs, soaps and oils among other eclectic items).

Deb's business has three browsing and two seating areas that includes  a unique cafe with internet accessibility - a social setting to meet and talk while enjoying many different hot and cold drinks along with excellent bakery and other sweet selections.

This is an environment to enjoy displayed artwork, at times to listen to musicians and to attend book signings, poetry readings and participate in writing sessions among other activities.

Thanks for the many positive experiences I have enjoyed during 2017.

Positive Responses To Instructor Profiles 

I was pleased to receive comments from my October 19th Eighth Anniversary blog recognizing my three yoga instructors, their many contributions to my health and mobility.

Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts with me.

#BobCrowther #Nutrition #Yoga

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Yoga Instructors Recognized On 8th Anniversary

Bob Crowther (66) celebrates Ray Hoyt, Patty Tremblay & Jen Gendron and reflects on their contributions to his mobility. 
Ray Hoyt
Passionate Yoga Instruction

Ray introduced a style of hatha yoga to our yoga community informed by the teachings, tradition of Yoga Master B. K. S. Iyengar and Ann Bissanti (Iyengar's student, Ray's instructor).

Ray remains most responsible for informing, influencing my lifestyle choices to make nutrition and mobility priorities.  

Ray Hoyt
 Youthful Yoga Instructor

Two Asanas
Ray's Yoga Website (2010)

Strength, Balance, Flexibility
Controlled Breathing

Calm Mind
Among Ray's Emphasis As Instructor

* Gender, body type, age were not viewed as barriers to making ones heath a priority, to engage in daily whole body movements

* All level yoga instruction (beginner, intermediate, advanced) was used as a opportunity to learn, inspire, motivate all class participants

* Gentle whole body movements were encouraged to promote safety, avoid injury

* It was important for each individual to listen to their bodies, to move within their abilities and comfort level 

* Yoga was humbling- being compassionate to ourselves was important 

* Breathing, a calm mind were important and complemented the physical aspects of our hatha yoga activities

We Often Were Told
  • Yoga was personal and not a competition with others
  • Frequent yoga practice was important to achieve mobility, to maintain progress 
  • Each yoga asana reflected ones strengths, limitations  
  • To focus daily on nutrition choices, to drink water, to get sleep, to reduce stress, to calm our minds  
  • Of Ray's appreciation: thanking those he instructed and recognizing their shared commitment, dedication to yoga 
Group Yoga Classes

Ray was experienced teaching classes with an attendance of less than ten to numbers in excess of 60 people - the sequence of asanas selected during each class was different.

He had a talent making people comfortable, to enjoy themselves independent of how well or limited they were able to move.

Comments made throughout Ray's classes about how to approach, enter specific postures, sequence of movements were clear and informative. 

He frequently emphasized not to make assumptions on how a person could move based on appearance alone. 

Among my most vivid and valued memories during these past seven years occurred when Ray would make comments about a specific asnana of others, mine - an effective approach, tool to instruct us.

I especially enjoyed how Ray effectively utilized the diverse abilities of various class participants to demonstrate specific movements.

Ray's requests for me to demo individual or combination of asanas in classes were fun, motivating and included:
  • Bird of Paradise, Tortoise and Standing & Forward Splits 
  • Moving from Malasana to Pendulum to Firefly 
  • Sequencing Extended Lateral Angle to a Revolved position and moving my opposite arm over the bent leg to the floor and into a Bound position, Twisting my Torso
March, 2017
Ray, Patty
Feathered Peacock Duo

Note Body Details Of Ray, Patty In This Asana

[Arm Positions, Spinal Curves]
The Yoga Loft (Dudley, MA)

The opportunity to participate in classes at Ray's new yoga studio complemented those attended at the  Webster Gym and Oxford Temple.

Ray's passion, vision and focused efforts led to our first group evening class on February 7, 2011. 

Approaching the first anniversary of The Yoga Loft, I expressed in writing to Ray:

"those of us who have been fortunate and privileged to attend these Monday night and Saturday morning yoga classes have been rewarded with an excellent level and style of instruction in a conducive and fun learning environment". 

I continued to value positive experiences in our yoga studio into 2107 -  involving Ray directly, with fellow members of our yoga community.

Access to the two wall ladders, wall ropes, chair(s), yoga blocks, straps and room wall along with the introduction of the 'whale' during 2013 - facilitating my back movements - all contributed to enhancing our yoga mobility. 

Documenting how I moved during each yoga class, making notes of the asanas selected by all instructors, at this and other locations has been instructive and rewarding.

It has enabled me to evaluate my gradual whole body mobility progress and evolution.

These records during seven years were a valued reminder of what is possible from disciplined and focused daily activities.

The feedback I received from Ray to communications on a wide range of topics including the evaluation of my asana photos were always welcomed and appreciated.

What I expressed to Ray in January (2017) holds true today: "For your continued positive roles and verbal support, I remain grateful and motivated".

            Evaluation Of Spinal, Back Mobility
My March 20, 2011 meeting with Ray in The Yoga Loft led to a back, spinal assessment providing a pathway to address seriously limited bending backwards and associated restricted breathing.

Our session also included my first experience on an inversion table.

While the reconstructive thoracic surgery at 50 to address a pectus excavatum diagnosis restored my seriously compromised breathing and eliminated decades of debilitating asthma and allergies, issues remained that Ray could help to resolve.  

Tu- Nai Bodyworks 

Seeking possible relief for my limited backward spinal mobility, chronic pain and restricted breathing led me to consult Ray.

For most of the 61 massage sessions I had with Ray, regions of my back were the focus but not exclusive body sites requiring his attention - my last massage occurred in November, 2016.

Issues with my neck, leg, calf, and right palm with Dupuytren's Contracture all benefited from his skills at different times. 

Over time I learned how:
  • to address my various back issues, muscle discomfort without using any pain medications
  • to move my spine & back with and without props (1) to enhance my whole body range of motions and (2) to facilitate my breathing
Perhaps the best evidence of my enhanced back, spinal mobility was included in the March 19, 2017 communication I sent to Ray:

"You recently witnessed, facilitated my best execution of assisted back bending over two chairs including a spinal lift without any discomfort, pain"

As I noted in my February 1 (2016) yoga blog that included an image of the two chairs:
  • Feet, head and forearms were easily maintained in contact with the floor simultaneously - the hands of others applying pressure on my thighs, arms
  • I experienced controlled breathing, a calm mind in this once more challenging asana
  • Ray's additional gentle lifting of my upper torso further elongated my spine - a memorable, exciting experience given my past history.
Dealing With Inversions 

Ray also was helpful to address my extreme discomfort, fear of moving into inverted yoga asanas - handstand, headstand, feathered peacock.

Ray acknowledged my fear had a positive role; he and others patiently facilitated my efforts to include these asanas in my yoga practice by frequently providing an assisted 'spot' at a wall, on my mat. 


I used Ray's lean, strong and mobile body and relatively good health as a model to inform my approaches to make good nutrition choices.

My 2017 yoga blogs highlight my most recent nutrition experiences, positive outcomes and lowering my weight to adolescent levels.

This success was an outgrowth of many conversations with Ray during the past seven years.

Patty Tremblay
Accomplished, Skilled Yoga Practioner

I became aware of Patty's enhanced whole body mobility as a novice yoga student.

Among others, Ray often had Patty demonstrate basic and more challenging asanas in his Tuesday and Thursday evening group classes that were inspiring, appreciated. 

In December, 2012 I wrote to Patty about an evening class she led:

"Thanks for your instruction time & effort and selecting asana combinations/transitions from start to finish that challenged our breathing, core strength, endurance, balance and flexibility - holding postures longer at times was a real plus in my opinion"

October, 2012

[Sitting Split]
Enhanced Muscle, Joint Range Of Motions
[Hips, Spine, Back, Legs]

 Upright Torso, Shoulders Square
 Forward, Backward Leg Extensions

Creative, Skilled Yoga Instruction

Patty's elevation from teaching Ray's classes in his absence to an Assistant Instructor leading her own yoga sessions during 2013 was not surprising.

She had the requisite knowledge, talent, excellent communication skills to complement her passion for yoga. 

Through words, physical movements Patty emphasized whole body movements reflecting the diversity, abilities and limitations of class participants.

As with Ray, each class taught by Patty reflected different and diverse sequence of asanas during our 60 minute sessions. 

Arriving early, Patty provided assistance to all students and the opportunity to practice movements before her classes began.

I enjoyed being exposed to variations of basic asanas - including Malasana, Full Lotus, Marichyasana - many being referenced to movements included in Iyengars's book, 'Light On Yoga'. 

She embraced the use of props including blankets, blocks, straps, chair(s), the wall ladders, studio walls.

Following Ray's example, partner poses were frequently incorporated in her classes with an emphasis on communication and safety. 

Promoting Transition Of Movements

Patty extended Ray's practice of combining asanas in a sequence of movements during her classes.

Among my favorite sequences during 2013:
  • Moving from Triangle, to Chest Over Leg with Shoulder Stretch to Revolved Triangle
  • From Warrior I to Warrior II to Triangle To Chest Over Leg To Chair To Revolved Twist & Arm Extensions (palm on mat, arm extended upwards) 
These combination of asanas in creative sequences were constant reminders of strengths and limitations moving my body.

Morning Partner Sessions
 [One-On-One Yoga]

An unexpected invitation in May (2013) by Patty to meet for morning partner sessions was accepted and significantly impacted my yoga progress.

Patty and I enjoyed our 461st session earlier this week - now in our fifth year of morning meetings as a consequence of Ray's generosity. 

The 17 assisted whole body movements we have selected include standing leg lifts (toes touching wall), splits, sitting upavistha (chest, chin to mat with legs wide, plow pose, cobra lift).

As a consequence, my whole body range of motions have significantly improved.

Photos taken during our sessions by Patty over the past several years have been a valuable tool to evaluate my mobility progress.

These images have been shared with Ray for assessment of my form, how to make improvements - many have been posted in my yoga website blogs.

May, 2013
Patty, Bob
Assisted Leg Lift
Toes Touch Wall

October, 2017
 Legs Raised With Greater Facility
Standing Upright, Shoulders Level 
Straight Support Leg, Foot Flat Both Sides

Jen Gendron
Youthful Exuberance

My appreciation for how our bodies can move was further enhanced when Jen began to participate in Ray's yoga classes during 2012. 

Ray noted Jen's decades of gymnastic experiences, discipline that contributed to her graceful spinal, back mobility.

Jen's whole body range of motions were appreciated for demonstrating what a supple and strong body was capable of - especially in upper facing plank, locust, bow and cobra asanas.  

It was not uncommon for me to see Jen move from a standing position and bend backwards with hands reaching the floor and return to an upright position multiple times with facility.

I also witnessed Jen before and during classes executing more advanced, challenging hatha yoga asanas including:
  • King Dancer Variation (both hands move rear elevated foot towards, to head)
  • Locust Variation (elevating legs towards a vertical position with chin on mat, arms at sides)
  • Kapotasana (Kneeling, Head Contacts Feet & Arms on Mat)
  • Headstand Variations (with arms in various positions)
  • A Wheel Variation (transition from a Standing Drop Back with hands on floor into a Handstand)
  • Scorpion Variations including the Handstand to Scorpion (shown below)
October, 2012
Jen, Ray

Handstand Into Scorpion Pose
[Moving Feet to Head]


Balance & Strength
Spinal Mobility
Lengthening of Muscles
[Chest, Abdominal, Back, Leg] 

Controlled Breathing, Calm Mind

The forms achieved in many of Jen's asanas reminded me of those demonstrated by Tony Sanchez - among the most gifted current Masters of hatha yoga. 

Another asana demonstrating Jen's  supple spine is illustrated below.

October, 2012
Jen, Ray

  Cobra Pose Variation
[Feet In Contact with Head]
 Muscle Lengthening From Head To Feet
Spinal Mobility

Our Youngest, Enthusiastic Instructor

I continued my hatha yoga education when Jen was given opportunities by Ray and Patty to teach her own classes - her first Yoga Loft class occurred on Thursday evening (January 29, 2015).

Jen effectively demonstrated her experiences, verbal skills well - as I noted in a February 2, 2016 e-mail: "You continue to communicate your passion, joy for instructing others".

Not surprisingly, Jen frequently incorporated traditional, basic hatha yoga asanas with different levels of challenging variations along with new ways to move in the classes I attended.

Various locust movements were among those movements I struggled with - a constant reminder of my limited mid and lower back muscle strength, mobility.

Among my favorite sequence of movements taught by Jen was 'Wild Thing'- moving from a plank to side plank position and beyond with arm and leg extended and returning to side plank.

As with Ray and Patty, I enjoyed the opportunities to assist Jen in her classes via demonstration of asanas as they spoke - especially the Marichyasana movements. 

My most memorable, valued assist by Jen occurred doing a full split when she lifted both arms - confirming my restricted back movements, challenging range of motions were possible.

July, 2012
Split With Raised Arms
Making Progress
 Raising Torso, Elevating Arms Higher
Lengthening Back, Leg & Pelvic Muscles

Bob Crowther

Kudos to Ray, Patty and Jen for their roles in facilitating a major objective of mine: to move better, without pain as I age.

Their contributions, along with many unnamed members of our yoga community, provided learning experiences and positive outcomes during the 1,314 group classes I attended at three locations.

Significant changes to my daily yoga activities occurred during 2017:
  • Customized, daily practices in my 'condo yoga studio' replaced four group classes [My last class was on June 26, 2017]
  • Yoga blocks, sandbags, strap and multiple mirrors are among the props used to improve my form and mobility        
Since my September 30th yoga blog, I have continued to address both nutrition and mobility interests.

Nutrition Update

Debra Horan, owner of the Booklovers Gourmet in Webster, prompted me to purchase Steel Cut Oats by sending me a photo of her morning meal.

Teaspoons of the oats were soaked overnight in water, microwaved twice for 60 seconds and added to various mixed greens, fruits, seeds and granola among other selections.

Morning Meal
October 6, 2017

Red Mill Steel Cut Oats

Blueberries, Pineapple Slices
Cherry Almond Granola 

Other Additions To The Oats Provide Variety, Nutrition
Mobility Progress
My September 30th blog highlighted Baddha Padmasana - a sitting full lotus variation introduced during Patty's classes.

During the past two weeks I documented another modification of Baddha Padmasana - lowering crossed legs in full lotus towards the floor from a supine position and extending arms beyond head.

I continue to focus on having both legs in full contact with the floor enjoying my progress to date.


October 6, 2017

Modified Baddha Padmasana

[Supine Full Lotus ]

Lengthening of Quad & Many Back Muscles

Enhanced Range of Motions
 Pelvic Girdle, Spinal Muscles & Connective Tissues
 Knee and Ankle Muscles, Joints

I have enjoyed receiving responses to recent blogs focused on my nutrition and mobility activities, progress.

Do continue to send me your thoughts on both topics including details of what you are eating. 

#BobCrowther #Nutrition #Mobility #Yoga

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Yoga Continues To Complement Nutrition Focus

Bob Crowther (66) - currently 123.2 pounds - has continued to follow the advice in Michael Pollan's book, Food Rules An Eaters Manual while maintaining a lean body, adolescent weight and enhancing whole body mobility during the past 30 days. 

Eat Real Foods, Mostly Plants, In Small Amounts

September was notable for expanding my plant food choices of the past several months - consuming new grains, seeds, beans and peas.

 Plant Food Selections

100% Whole Grain Blend (Nature's Earthly Choice)


Organic Red, Organic Gold Quinoa
Amaranth, Brown & Wild Rice


Garbanzo Beans (Organics)

 Organic Italian Pearled Farro (Nature's Earthly Choice)
 Blackeye Peas (Goya)
I enjoyed mixing teaspoon amounts of each of these four plant products individually or in combination after an overnight soaking in water and a brief 2-3 minute microwave exposure to the various mixed greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, granola and other components of my morning and afternoon meals.

Bob's Red Mill 13 Bean Soup Mix containing various beans: navy, red, pinto, baby and large lima, garbanzo, great northern, kidney and peas (black-eyed, yellow & green split) along with lentils also has added variety, quality daily nutrients.

Teaspoon mixtures of the 13 bean mix were soaked in water and briefly microwave heated for two to three minutes before being added hot or cold to different vegetables, fruits, nuts and, or seeds. 

Combining as many as ten to fifteen different food items in a single meal has provided me the requisite daily protein, carbohydrates and fats along with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber to maintain my health. 

 Afternoon Meal

Multiple Ingredients

Mixed Greens, Local Garden Kale
Home Grown Green Pepper, Tomato
Fresh Blueberries, Grapes, Avocado
Garbanzo Beans, Farro
Chia, Flax & Sunflower Seeds
Pignolia Nuts
Vegan Granola Mix
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Small portions of two Green Giant selections: broccoli with carrots and snow peas and cauliflower florets were added unheated to many meals this past month - each package lasted 7-10 days.

I purchased and frequently added various fruits to my meals that included ripe pineapple, mango, strawberry, blueberry, watermelon, various whole grapes along with organic blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. 

Slices of three additional fresh fruits (avocado, kiwi, apple) were added alone, at times together to other foods during the past 30 days - each of these fruits contributed to three to four meals.

Small pieces of Smoked Coho Salmon (Echo Falls) or one or two teaspoons of Light Tuna In Water (Bumble Bee) were added to complement various vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

Reading labels and checking online data of the sodium content of my food sources, especially seafoods, facilitated my efforts to avoid exceeding a self-imposed daily salt consumption below 1,400 mg.

As in the past, keeping hydrated with water and other drinks including smoothies remained a high priority each day.

A Light September Meal


Smoked Salmon
Kale,Tomato, Beans, Nuts, Seeds
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Both seafood selections (smoked salmon and tuna) and dairy (milk, small amounts of cheese) provided excellent natural  sources of Vitamin B12.

My one and only occasion this past month eating meat - a small portion of grilled boneless chicken with some grilled yellow squash and a small whole potato - was an additional source of Vitamin B12. 

The success I have experienced during 2017 to limit eating processed foods with elevated amounts of salt, sugar and fat continued during September.

Recently, small quantities of ice cream and two chocolate cookies were enjoyed while walking over 25 miles with a friend during a recent weekend visit to Boston.

Not surprisingly, consuming these foods had no adverse impact on meeting my short term nutrition objectives: the morning after my return to Auburn I weighed 123.2 pounds.  

On one occasion this month a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks was purchased to add flavor to the black coffee I usually drink. 

Supporting Local Business 

Some old and new(*) food selections obtained from four different local establishments (Arcade Snacks, Booklovers Gourmet, Isador's Organics, Panera Bread) during the past thirty days are listed below.

I do acknowledge and thank Debra Horan, owner of the Booklovers Gourmet in Webster, for giving me home grown kale, various tomatoes and green peppers over several months including September.

Arcade Snacks (Southbridge Street, Auburn, MA)

*Edamame, Dry Roasted & Salted

 Diverse Selections
  Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruits Eaten Each Day
Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Hazel Nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pistachios, Walnuts  

Booklovers Gourmet (E. Main Street, Webster)

 *Southern Cherry Almond Granola
(Paleo Collection, Vegan) 

[A Grain- Free Mixture Of Silvered Raw Almonds, Pumpkin, Sunflower & Sesame Seeds, Unsweetened Coconut Chips, Dried Red Tart Cherries, Pure Vanilla & Orange Extracts, Sea Salt, Ground Ginger And Olive Oil]

Ice Cold Peach-Pear-Apricot Smoothie 

Various Yogi Herbal Teas - With, Without Caffeine

Blueberry Blossom Pure Natural Honey 

Isador's Organics (Main Street, Oxford)

*A Pachaka Balance Cold 16 Oz Smoothie
[Cucumber, Ginger, Tumeric, Banana, Coconut Water, Coriander]

Several Libation Smoothies [See My Last Blog]

Panera Bread (Millbury, Webster)

Peach, Blueberry, Almond Milk Smoothie

Various Fruit Cups (Local, Lexington, Boston)

My eating nutrient-rich, mostly plant foods along with small amounts of meat, seafood and dairy sources has led to a further weight reduction and positive health outcomes during the past six months.

Most noteworthy:
  • I sustained my daily September weight below 125 pounds
  • On September 1st I weighed 124.2, On September 30th: 123.2 
  • 123.2 lbs. was experienced on six mornings during this month 
Maintaining a lean body weight throughout September contributed to my improved range of motions from daily home and one-on-one partner yoga activities.

Full Lotus, Bound Asana
 Mobility Progress

Baddha Padmasana
September 11, 2017

First Time
Able To Sit Upright With Both Hands Holding Feet

A Challenging Pose Recently Has Become Accessible

[See B. K. S. Iyengar Book, 'Light In Yoga']


Whole Body Mobility


Multiple Joints
 (Toes, Ankles, Knees, Hips, Spine, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Fingers)
  Diverse Muscles & Connective Tissues
The recent ability to move my body into Baddha Padmasana was an outgrowth of many years of practicing different hatha yoga asanas introduced to me by my instructor Ray Hoyt in The Yoga Loft and elsewhere.

Among other movements, these included sitting and standing leg cradles, a pigeon pose variation (chest over forward leg forming a right angle), double pigeon pose (overlapping in alignment ankles, knees and leaning forward with head touching floor), half lotus (placing ones foot on the upper thigh) and sitting upavistha (with legs wide, chest and chin on floor).

It was only during 2015 that I began to enter the full lotus asana - being able to gently, safely position and overlap my feet on each upper thigh on both sides (see images in earlier posts).

Developing more flexible hip and shoulder girdles also were required to enter the bound full lotus posture.

My ability to enter tortoise pose - sitting, leaning forward, with head on floor, soles of feet together and clasping both hands behind my back - was an important step towards achieving baddha padmasana.

At this time I still lean forward in the full lotus position to facilitate clasping the second foot and then raise my torso - at some future date I anticipate able to have hands hold feet sitting up tall.

Encouraging Your Feedback

I look forward to receiving reactions to the comments, images I have shared with you.

#BobCrowther #Food Rules #Mobility #Nutrition #Yoga 

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