Monday, October 19, 2015

Yoga Anniversary

Bob Crowther (64) begins his sixth year of yoga activities today and reflects on his enhanced back bending abilities. 

My long and productive association with Ray Hoyt and The Yoga Loft community has provided many opportunities to address debilitating limitations to move my spine backwards.

Bob Bending Back At Wall
Having Fun, Making Progress
At A Lean +/- 125 Pounds

Experiencing No Pain Or Discomfort

Unable To Move This Way 5 Years Ago

I have attended over 1200 yoga sessions (both open classes and one-on-one partner meetings) during the past five years.

Along with my now daily home practice, all these activities have contributed to a greater range of spinal motion backwards.

Whole body yoga movements involving back, neck and other major, minor muscle groups have led me to become stronger and more flexible.

Frequent practice of various asanas including pigeon, camel and bridge have led to enhanced spinal mobility.

Assisted upper facing bow movements and back bends at our studio wall ladders shown below have led to an overall improvement of movement.

Studio Wall Ladders
 Another Tool
 Enhance Spinal Flexibility
Yoga, making better nutrition choices and reducing my weight to levels last seen during high school all contribute to serve as my primary health insurance. 

Various back muscle issues are addressed through my yoga practice and massage without using any medications.

I have been fortunate having Ray Hoyt and Patty Tremblay as talented, gifted instructors.
 #Back Bending #Bob Crowther #Yoga

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