Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Yoga To Improve Balance

Bob Crowther, in his 60's, shares some thoughts on how yoga can enhance your balance and recommends a book, Age-Defying Fitness, and some online reference sources. 

Most of us take our balance - the ability to maintain an equilibrium from both stationary and moving positions - for granted. 

For many, walking on flat surfaces or inclines including stairs (up and down), bending over and simply getting up and down from the floor each day can be a challenge. 

Bob In Half-Lotus, Tree Pose
Age Not A Barrier To Improve Your Balance
While a higher incidence of balance issues occur within our adult population, conditions are not exclusive to the Boomers and more senior age groups. 

Compromised vision, the sensation of dizziness and feeling unsteady while walking are some balance symptoms that may require medical consultation and intervention. 

Fortunately, many individuals can address and resolve balance concerns without invasive procedures including surgery. 

Hatha yoga movements can function as an alternative and complementary option to medical or physical therapists consultations.

Book Of Interest
Age-Defying Fitness (2006)

Written by physical therapists Marilyn Moffat and Carol B. Lewis, this publication provides an accessible discussion about balance and ways to improve it at all ages.
Online Resources
See National Institute On Aging
Information On How To Improve Your Balance
Learn about the biology underlying our balance

Complex neural communications between our eyes, ears and body (somatic receptors within our muscles, tendons, joints and connective tissues) are responsible for our balance. 

The medical community, including institutions like the Mayo Clinic (MC) offer many diagnostic tests to help identify the source of balance problems (see the MC website comments on balance). 

Bob Crowther

Bob's early yoga classes based on the Iyengar method were memorable for revealing both a disturbing lack of balance and a obvious way to regain it with regular practice. 

Balance postures that initially were difficult, not possible throughout Bob's first year of yoga activities slowly became less challenging.

Various asanas helped to build Bob's core, leg strength and flexibility:

  • Standing one leg (tree, half lotus, eagle, warrior III)
  • Standing two leg (deep Warrior I, II, squats and lunges) 

They made possible the 'bird of paradise' on each leg. 

Talk with Bob

Bob has helped his clients  experiencing frequent falls and difficulty walking by slowly reestablishing nerve-muscle memory during months of yoga activities. 

Building core and peripheral muscle strength through various movements helped to address short and long term goals. 

Modified yoga asanas including one leg stands were facilitated by props including chairs and assisted partner poses.

Watching individuals walk and move with independence has been a satisfying outcome of Bob's instruction, coaching. 

What Bob has done for others he can do for you.

# Yoga And Balance  #Yoga For Males #Yoga For Females #Yoga With Bob Crowther  

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