Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yoga, Making Healthy Food Choices

Some thoughts from Bob Crowther  - in his 60's - relating his yoga practice, instruction to what he eats.

Making informed nutritional choices is critical to meet the demands on my body from daily yoga activities: attending open classes and private sessions while instructing individuals one-on-one and in small groups along with  personal practice time.

My desire to seek and  maintain a more lean, strong and supple body is required to assume specific yoga asanas (think tortoise pose, kurmasana) and to achieve a healthy and stable weight.
Bob In Tortoise Pose [Kurmasana] 
The food we consume as individuals, families or a society have serious short and long term health implications and outcomes: a subject that has been discussed widely in the print and digital media in recent years partly in response to the increasing healthcare costs associated with sedentary lifestyles and the escalating frequency of diabetes and obesity among our nations youth and adults. 

To the dismay of nutritionists and various medical/health organizations, our food stores currently stock a large and diverse form of processed consumables with elevated and unhealthy levels of several ingredients. 

The events leading to our current situation is presented well by Michael Moss in his 2013 book, Salt  Sugar  Fat  How the Food Giants Hooked Us.

His investigative study documents the history, roles and impact made by the major food industry executives, marketing specialists and their food scientists. 

Moss describes how the food industry manipulated the salt, sugar and fat content to 'addictive' levels by studying their metabolism and identifying the underlying biological signaling pathways between our gastrointestinal system and the brain including areas associated with pleasure.

Reading this publication might influence individuals to reconsider, modify the processed foods consumed daily. 

Bob Crowther

Discuss your current yoga, food concerns with Bob.

Bob's food choices have been significantly informed by his yoga activities and biological background with an understanding that there is no one food plan appropriate for all individuals.

Motivated to seek and experience a sense of wellness, frequent but small portions of mostly botanical and some zoological food sources (whole grains, nuts, beans, many types of colored raw vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, lean meat) are consumed during any given week.

As a consequence, Bob obtains a more balanced proportion of the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber his body requires without consuming supplements.

Water consumption is vital to remain hydrated and the amounts imbibed are adjusted based on Bob's activities and local weather conditions. 

 #Yoga With Bob Crowther #Yoga And Nutrition #Yoga, Healthy Food Choices #Yoga And Fitness # Yoga, Michael Moss Book

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