Customized Yoga Instruction, Coaching

Bob Crowther offers customized yoga instruction and coaching to males and females of all ages (seniors to teens) with a focus on addressing your needs and improving your overall health 

  • You will be introduced to a gentle, non-impact and safe form of yoga (a physical activity) popularized by the Yoga Master, B. K. S. Iyengar 
  • Your strength, balance, flexibility (range of motion) and breathing will be enhanced over time from yoga activities designed to address your health symptom(s) and pain issues
  • You will have the opportunity to meditate (calm your mind) during our yoga sessions
  • You may use various props (a mat, blocks, strap, chair, elastic band, dumbbells, blanket, a wall, furniture) to facilitate whole body movements within your abilities 
  • A primary focus of Bob's is interacting with individuals - often seniors with no yoga experience  - dealing with medical conditions [including a heart attack, diabetes, weight issues, arthritis, muscle and joint issues] 
  • Bob specializes in one-on-one or small group yoga instruction - in your home, his studio or possibly elsewhere with a focus on you and your needs 
Bob Crowther

Learn more about Bob 
Bob can help you improve your Health Symptoms
Read Bob's Testimonials  

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