
Young Males and Females

Interested or currently participating in organized school (junior, senior) sports? 
(football, basketball, track & field, tennis, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, golf, field hockey, other)
Involved in recreational activities ?
(weight lifting, hiking, jogging, martial arts, hockey, biking, running, other)

Bob Crowther

 Enhance Your Mobility
Increase your Strength, Balance  and Flexibility
 Focus on your Breathing
                            Do You Experience
  • stiffness/limited range of motion of your neck, shoulders, arms, hips, legs, elsewhere?
  • difficulties bending forward, sidewards and backwards? 
  • pain or strain while twisting your torso? 
  • challenge squatting - feet, ankle, knee, other issues?
  • supporting yourself on one leg?
One-on-one, with a friend or small group instruction

Bob will evaluate your concerns  

Let Bob show you how to move in a safe and deliberate manner using non-impact yoga/stretching  

Bob may use props and assisted partner poses to facilitate your progress

Contact Form


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