Monday, March 28, 2016

Yoga Remains A Lifestyle Focus At 65

Bob Crowther, 65 today, applauds his talented yoga teachers, their many contributions to his overall positive health status.

Inspired, Gifted Yoga Instructors

Ray Hoyt

Patty Tremblay

Jen Gendron

My overall enhanced spinal, back mobility is a result of sharing many enjoyable yoga experiences with them these past 65 months.

I am pleased to share five asanas done recently within Ray's studio, The Yoga Loft, during morning one-on-one partner sessions with Patty.

These non-impact hatha yoga movements reflect the value of frequent, often humbling, practice and persistence confronting challenging physical and perceived mental obstacles.

Extended Supta Viranasa

Whole Body Mobility

From Feet To Fingertips

No Discomfort, Controlled Breathing

A Deep, Controlled Shoulder Stretch

Moving From A Prone to Side Position

Deep Shoulder, Chest, Back, Spinal Mobility

Enhanced Standing Shoulder Stretch


Deep Total Body Range of Motion
Stretching, Relaxing Muscles
[Feet, Legs, Spine, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Hands]


Double Pigeon With Shoulder Stretch

Enhanced Hip, Gluteal, Leg Muscle Flexibility
Aligned Knee, Ankle Placment
Deep Forward Spinal, Shoulder, Head Mobility

No Discomfort Of Joints, Muscles

Modified Deep Lunge, Spinal Twist

Strength, Balance, Flexibility, Controlled Breathing

Fingertips Barely Touch Floor, Lifting Torso
  Twisting Torso, Neck While Raising & Aligning Arms
Significant Pressure On Knee Joint
 65th Months Of Yoga Activities As I Celebrate #65 

I am looking forward to continuing experiencing 'youthful' movements and feeling well as a consequence of daily yoga activities both at home, with my instructors.

Many thanks to Ray, Patty and Jen for their significant, valued contributions to my physical, mental health, mindfullness.

#BobCrowther #65 #Mobility #Lifestyle #RayHoyt #TheYogaLoft #Yoga 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yoga Asanas, Prop Contribute To Spinal Mobility

Bob Crowther reflects further on back bending challenges he has confronted over six plus years of yoga activities as his Medicare coverage begins.

My first exposure to open hatha yoga sessions were limited to Tuesday and Thursday evenings at a local gym taught by Ray Hoyt.

Our non-impact whole body movements during Ray's classes provided a unique opportunity to address:
  •  spinal mobility limitations 
  •  chronic lower back muscle pain
  •  limited joint, muscle range of motion including hips, back and legs
  •  restricted, labored breathing moving neck backwards 
During my first years of yoga activities, i began to overcome spinal (cervical and lumbar vertebrae, disc issues), muscle range of motion and labored breathing associated with standing back bends.

I was further humbled with asanas requiring bending the spine backwards from kneeling (camel) and prone (locust) positions.

An ability to engage in versions of camel pose has been evolving since my first yoga classes during October and November, 2010.

My progress has been slow yet rewarding - on some days i can now assume components of this posture in a relatively good form with hands on one, both feet or in various hands-free positions .

Bob In Camel Pose [Novice Status]
Morning Partner Session

 The Yoga Loft

Emphasis On Forward Hips, Straight Upper Legs, Flat Insteps
Making Progress Curving Lower, Upper Spine
Enjoying Controlled, Calm Breathing

Facilitating my back bending and breathing were access to various props located in The Yoga Loft - Ray Hoyt's yoga studio.

I have been privileged to do yoga at this location since early February, 2011.

Along with two wall ladders and an area of wall ropes, more recently our yoga community have used the whale back bench to enhance spinal mobility, range of motion of many associated muscles, connective tissues.

Yoga Prop In Studio
Safe, Gentle Bench To Curve Back

Allows For Gradual Spinal Mobility

The whale has complemented my use of yoga blocks along with wall use, chairs and various partner assisted movements i have written about and posted recently.

One significant consequence of doing a lot of yoga for many years has been achieving a greater range of motion doing variations of the locust asana.

Movements once not possible are now being realized as my whole body flexibility has improved.

Bob In Locust Variation
Novice Slowly Making Progress

Curving Spine, Elevating Leg
Foot Aligned with Leg Above Knee
Easy Breathing With Chin On Mat
Quality public and private yoga sessions, daily home practice and timely massage sessions from Ray have all contributed to my enhanced mobility, decreased pain and an overall healthier lifestyle as I approach 65.

#BobCrowther #Back #Mobility #RayHoyt #Spine #TheYogaLoft #Yoga

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