Back Bending Limitations
Locust Pose Variation
(Ardha Shalabhasana)
For approximately five weeks staring in late November (2018) I experienced unanticipated resistance at times moving during both my early morning and evening home yoga sessions.
These mobility limitations while doing a sequence of whole body asanas was surprising given my abilities to move relatively well for the previous eleven months.
Approach To Resolution
Evaluating my written notes for each yoga session led me to include additional asanas that would (a) have my spine move backwards using a yoga block, placing my hands in different positions and (b) include a recovery asana to counter the previous spinal motions.
Adding a brief ten to fifteen minute warm up sequence of movements before beginning each morning session was helpful - as a consequence, I was better prepared to move my spine, associated muscles and connective tissues in various asanas including Tortoise pose and Supta Virasana.
Taking more time to prepare entering a posture, often using a yoga block, and remaining in a position for longer durations were both effective as well.
Adding a brief ten to fifteen minute warm up sequence of movements before beginning each morning session was helpful - as a consequence, I was better prepared to move my spine, associated muscles and connective tissues in various asanas including Tortoise pose and Supta Virasana.
Taking more time to prepare entering a posture, often using a yoga block, and remaining in a position for longer durations were both effective as well.
Earlier this week a customized series of movements for my evening session was outlined that included a restorative Child's pose with extended arms after each asana:
- starting in Child's pose I prepared to enter Frog pose: using a yoga block to support extended arms and moving back and forth with legs to sides and transitioning to a more traditional posture - with my head up & looking forward, upper arms straight and abs contacting the mat with both legs wide, bent knees and ankles flat on mat
- into Cobra pose: I placed both forearms lengthwise on a yoga block with my torso up high and leaning forwards, hips on mat and slowly letting muscles, connective tissues open before placing my chin on overlapped hands and then elevating my torso on forearms and eventually using palms with bent elbows close to body to raise my torso up, lowering slowly several times
- from Cobra to a Bow pose: with hands on ankles I was able to carefully lift my thighs and torso and experience a limited curve to my spine - doing three lifts with controlled breathing
- to Locust, three variations: (a) right and left leg lifts, (b) right and left arm lifts with a 2 pound dumbell with other forearm on the mat and (c) right and left leg lifts with each foot on thigh (Ardha Shalabhasana)
- to Camel pose gradually, in several different positions: [1] kneeling, heels up initially and alternating hands on each foot with arm extended upwards and backwards, [2] to placing both hands on my lower back and [3] with insteps down, having fingers of both hands on heels, soles on feet; at times, with my head both up and extended backwards (see below)
Photo By Patty Tremblay
- from Camel to Bridge pose: using (1) block orientated lengthwise on thoracic spine, (2) block in highest position under lumbar-sacral area and (3) palms under gluts, on elbows and up high on shoulders, neck on mat - initially on toes before having feet flat
- to Upper Facing Bow lift on mat: still a challenging asana to lift body, curve back with hand, feet support [during my morning yoga session, I elevate my body and experience some spinal curve by placing hands on two yoga blocks at the base of stairs]
- after a Child's pose, I continued to enter Upavistha: sitting upright, legs wide & moving torso forward well over each leg and lowering my torso to the mat, hand on feet while also experiencing a deep stretch from right and left side bends.
- from Compass pose (leg cradle into elevated straight legs on both sides) I did Forward Splits using two blocks, raising my torso towards a vertical position with quads contacting the mat on both sides
By incorporating these and other back bending asanas more frequently into both daily yoga sessions, I have improved my whole body mobility (= involving the many muscles, connective tissues, joints) associated with diverse movements without using any medications.
Afternoon Nutrition
(141 grams)
Currently Reading
My paperback copy (752 pp.) by David Katz, MD was purchased at the Booklovers Gourmet in Webster, MA - thanks to owner Deb Horan for processing my recent order.
Perceptions on the topics addressed, author's viewpoints will be shared in a future post.
I am pleased to acknowledge conversations with Ray Banfer, MD in Boston during this past December that led me to read this author's most recent publication.
#BobCrowther #Nutrition #Yoga
Perceptions on the topics addressed, author's viewpoints will be shared in a future post.
I am pleased to acknowledge conversations with Ray Banfer, MD in Boston during this past December that led me to read this author's most recent publication.
#BobCrowther #Nutrition #Yoga