Saturday, April 4, 2015

Yoga Benefits From Partner Poses

Bob Crowther, 64, comments on the value, saftey of one-on-one partner poses for males and females of all ages with or without yoga experience. 

Yoga asanas facilitated by a partner have become an invaluable component of my yoga practice and have contributed to my in ioverall progress.

My instructors have encouraged participants in open yoga classes to communicate with their partners before applying gentle pressure to enhance asanas within their abilities.

 Assisted Upavsitha
(May, 2013)

Enhancing Flexibility
Controlled Breathing
Moving Toward Mat On Own, Shoulder Stretch Possible
I have been participating in frequent one-on-one partner yoga sessions (often three times a week) with an instructor approaching two years.

Doing many different asanas from standing, supine, prone, kneeling and sitting positions have led to my further mobility and enhanced yoga abilities. 
Assisted Leg Lift

 Toes Touch Wall
(May, 3013)

 Standing Upright, Shoulders Level, Support Leg Straight

I have reduced discomfort, pain in different body regions as a result of these partner sessions.

Bob Crowther

I have introduced partner poses selectively and safely to his clients with positive outcomes.

Gentle pressure applied by a partner in different asanas contributes to experiences not possible when done alone. 

Learn more about the rewards from doing asanas with a partner. 

Talk with Bob.

#YogaWithAPartner #YogaWithBobCrowther #YogaForMalesFemales
# YogaForAllAges 

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