Friday, January 30, 2015

Yoga Can Address Health, Medical Conditions

Bob Crowther notes yoga activities have been invaluable to deal with his, clients various health symptoms including pain, diverse medical conditions.

The yoga i do is a physical activity that has safely addressed my major breathing and spinal issues along with more minor health symptoms.

Bob Approaching 64
Climbing Bunker Hill Monument With Ray Banfer, MD
Sharing Experience With Warren S. Green
I and my clients have been able to engage in yoga activities while dealing with many health symptoms including surgery:
  •  Muscle Aches
  •  Joint Pains 
  •  Compromised Breathing 
  •  Poor Balance 
  •  Weight Issues
  •  Fatigue
  •  Thoracic (Chest) Reconstruction
Bob Crowther

Bob has enjoyed the opportunities to instruct, coach males and females diagnosed with the medical conditions listed below and others:
  • Heart Attack, Atrial Fibrillation
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) 
  • Arthritis (Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid)
  • Sciatica
  • Mastectomy
Talk with Bob.
Begin To Address Your Health Needs Though Yoga.

#Yoga #YogaAndHealthSymptoms #YogaWithMedicalConditions #YogaForMales #YogaForFemales #YogaWithBobCrowther

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Yoga, The Value Of Massage

Bob Crowther notes he has included a monthly massage as part of his yoga activities for over four years.
 Approaching 64
Yoga, Massage Enhances Bob's Mobility
Debilitating lower back pain over many years led meeting Ray Hoyt and my first massage.

A monthly massage with Ray has become an effective tool to deal with both major and minor muscle, connective tissue and pain issues i have experienced.

This past week i met with Ray for my 50th massage.

Bob Crowther

Bob can share how his neck, shoulder, back, wrist, glut, leg and foot issues have been addressed during his massage sessions.

Massage complements Bob's yoga activities.

Bob has participated in classes taught by Ray Hoyt, Patty Tremblay at The Yoga Loft approaching four years [image below].

Yoga and Massage along with informed nutrition have kept Bob mobile without the use of any medications. 

Significantly, both have contributed to Bob's overall good health. 

Talk with Bob
 Learn about yoga, massage: reduce your pain

 Yoga, Massage
Enhancing Mobility, Reducing Pain
#YogaAndMassage  #YogaAndPain #YogaForMales #YogaForFemales #YogaWithBobCrowther  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Yoga, Overcoming Barriers & Myths

Bob Crowther identifies some barriers and myths that are often cited about yoga and encourages males and females of all ages to become more receptive to taking the first steps to improve their health.

Being physically active and eating well are two known practices responsible for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Nutrition Is Essential To Good Health
A Safe, Gentle Form of Yoga Can Also Enhance Your Health

My yoga practice and instruction of individuals have been informed by the many open yoga classes and partner sessions i have attended for over 50 months.

The age of individuals attending our yoga classes range from the teens into the 70's: males and females with different body types and dealing various health issues that impact their ability to move.

Our yoga community demonstrates how engaging in the physical activities that define the type of yoga we do can provide many benefits and be fun.

Despite the positive experiences i and my yoga colleagues have enjoyed, many individuals of both genders remain resistance to yoga - to reverse a sedentary lifestyle and to begin moving their bodies.

I identify some of the reasons males and females have cited for not taking the first steps to help themselves below. 

Perceived Obstacles

Yoga Is A Religion - the yoga i do is a physical activity based on the tradition of Yoga Master B. K. S. Iyengar and is not a religion: opportunities to meditate, calm your mind and breathing is a component of our yoga practice

Age - participating in a yoga class can be done at any age, gently and safely, within your abilities: yoga can be done by teens and seniors without injury

Gender - our yoga is not just for females: i am a good example that a male in his 60's can and continues to benefit from the whole body movements that defines my yoga practice 

Body Types - thin or heavy, tall or short, with or without muscle tone: males and females can start to do yoga slowly, within their abilities ... with good, patient and compassionate instruction that may use various props, enjoy learning how to move your body safely 

Bob Has Overcome Physical Issues
Through His Yoga Practice

No Experience -  you do not have to have be an athlete or familiar with yoga to participate in a yoga class: i started with no previous experience, limited abilities and was made comfortable, encouraged by our instructor

No, Limited Flexibility - your range of motion (muscles, joints) can be slowly modified if you begin to move your body gently and within your limits: yoga done on a regular basis (holding your body in specific postures) will likely facilitate your daily movements 

Pain Reflecting A Health Symptom(s) - yoga can be done safely by individuals experiencing muscle, joint pains including arthritis and other conditions - i, others have reduced pain(s) through our yoga practice and without medications

Medical Conditions - among others, having experienced a heart attack or dealing with diabetes, arthritis, balance and breathing issues does not mean you can not start doing yoga - with your doctor's input and my assessment, guided instruction and coaching, doing yoga can improve your overall health, fitness

Bob Crowther

Bob  has instructed males and females having various combinations of the perceived obstacles listed above.

All have benefited from Bob's gentle and safe instruction of selected yoga body movements using various props (chair, blocks, strap, blanket, others) to focus on their needs.

Bob will help you focus on specific health symptoms to enhance your mobility and reduce your pain.

#YogaMyths #YogaBarriers #YogaWithMales #YogaWithFemales #Yoga WithBobCrowther

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Yoga, My Client Assessment

Bob Crowther - a yoga student, instructor in his 60's - comments on the importance and value of assessing clients before engaging in any physical activities. 
Bob Crowther

Whole Body Activity
 Muscle, Joint Flexibility
Controlled Balance, Breathing  
My focus as a yoga instructor is to safely, gently introduce you to whole body movements within your abilities with an understanding of your short and long term goals.

Lack of yoga experience or other physical activities does not have to a barrier to begin moving your entire body. 

My Client Assessment 

One significant service i offer males and females of all ages is an evaluation of their heath symptoms that may include a number of medical conditions for some individuals [heart attack, diabetes, weight and balance issues].

These health symptoms often indicate how you feel at any time during each day -  they reflect on what current strength, balance, flexibility, breathing or other issues you may be experiencing. 

To address your needs, to focus on your issues I ask you to share personal information. 

Written and verbal responses to questions about past and current health issues are discussed.

Inquiries about a client's health symptoms, history discloses:
  • medications used possibly for high blood pressure, cholesterol and arthritis, other conditions
  • physician advised restrictions for specific medical reasons
  • body pain (acute, chronic), various trauma or injuries, surgical procedures  
  • past, recent incidents restricting physical activities
These confidential discussions are essential to inform how best to address the identified short and long terms goals through my customized one-on-one or small group instruction at your home, in my yoga studio or elsewhere.

A major component of your assessment involves a whole body evaluation - identifying the current limits of movement for different parts of your body, determining regional flexibility and possibly balance, breathing issues.

I provide each client with a written assessment along with other documents - your evaluation serves as a basis to asses the progress you will experience as a consequence of our interactions.

The frequency, duration of your yoga sessions is based on your interests, availability.

Bob's  Home 'Yoga Studio'
Customized Yoga Instruction
Props Bob Has Used With Clients 
My evaluation of a client is completed before any customized instruction, coaching occurs.

Bob Crowther

Learn more about Bob, his yoga instruction, coaching of individuals with various health symptoms, medical conditions and the outcome, benefits from doing yoga designed for them.

From A Female Client Testimonial

"At the time I met Bob I was at an unhealthy weight, had incurred a myocardial infarction at the age of 56 and was diagnosed with type II Diabetes.

Through Bob's consistent, positive feedback and encouragement, he retrained my attitude while i retrained my body!!

I am now stronger, flexible, better balanced and most importantly able to keep up with my two young grandsons.

Bob is an outstanding master of his craft; incredibly bright with a treasure trove of health and fitness knowledge."

The progress made with this person can be yours.

Take the first steps to address your needs.

  #YogaWithBob Crowther #YogaClientAssessment #YogaForMales  #YogaForFemales #YogaWithMedicalConditions

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